Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why I Can't Write Right Now

I’ll get started as soon as I vacuum under my bed. Where do all these dust bunnies come from? It’s as if they’re breeding under there.

That looks much better, but I really should put fresh sheets on all the beds. (According to Oprah, and my mom, bed sheets should be changed at least every two weeks).

Well that’s done, but now there’s a heap of laundry to do. It won’t take long to do a few loads of wash. While I’m waiting for the last load to finish, I’ll bake some chocolate chip cookies.

Mmmm, they smell delicious. I’ll just sample one or two – they’re actually pretty small compared to those giant cookies that I buy at the Superstore. That reminds me. I’m almost out of bread and milk.

The lineups at the grocery store were ridiculous. I waited for 15 minutes, but I did learn that Brad and Angelina might be breaking up. Now that I’ve put away the groceries and washed out the vegetable drawers in the fridge, I should brush my cat. The poor thing craves attention. I’ll pull her homemade yarn snake around the house so she can chase it. She really needs to exercise – she’s becoming the size of a raccoon.

She seems much happier now, even though her expression hasn’t actually changed. It’s 3 o’clock – time for tea and 30 minutes of HGTV.

Wow, look at the time. I’ve got to make supper. I’ll do some writing this evening.

It took almost an hour to make lasagna, plus another hour to eat, and then clean up the kitchen. I wonder what’s playing at the theatre – I’d really like to see The Lovely Bones. No. I’ll stay in and get something accomplished.

I’ll just play a couple of quick games of Wii tennis with Leroy and Ryan; then I’ll devote at least an hour to writing.

I’m exhausted, and I think that I pulled a muscle in my right arm when I served the ball during the last game. I better take it easy and go to bed at a reasonable time so that I’ll be well rested for tomorrow. I’ll have the whole day to write… unless I decide to go buy a new pen.


  1. Michelle, this piece made me laugh out loud. You really are a great writer and I look forward to keeping tabs on your blog to see what else you put out there.

  2. I really love all of your pieces, Michelle. You've got a style that I really take to. Keep writing and I'll buy your first published work!

  3. Oh Michelle this is a great piece. I think we can all relate to this one. You have a wonderful sense of humour which is evident in many of your pieces. Nice Job!

  4. Lorri Neilsen GlennMarch 27, 2010 at 1:02 PM

    Michele-- This piece is a delight. With your permission, I'm going to share it with other students and writers who go through the same thing! Oh, the lengths we will go not to put pen to page. Actually, though, I think sometimes some of the writing does get done while we're busy doing other things -- rolling around ideas, so they're ready when we are ready. Or at least that's how I rationalize it! Your humour is refreshing.

  5. I just laughed out loud again during my second read through. Those were some of same excuses during this term Thanks for giving them a voice. You have a great writing style Michelle. Keep writing.

  6. Great piece Michelle, I can totally relate to being 'too busy' to write. I can think of every excuse possible. This piece is very funny and a enjoyed reading it.

