Monday, February 22, 2010

Memories of Fourteen (a tanka)


Slow dancing, but not too close

Playing truth or dare

Adolescent adventure

Slumber parties and secrets


  1. Michele -- You know what I'm going to say about this brave (grin)

    -- Lorri

  2. Hi Michele! I like this poem because you carried me away into another world. I returned to the good good times of childhood. It was nice to revisit those innocent times. You also went beyond evoking emotions and bringing me back to the past, you also ignited action. I now want to go look up pictures from childhood and look in my school yearbooks. I admire that you can do that in you work. What a talent this is, one that can be used to stimulate students to take action and do work perhaps. I would also like to add, your picture on your blog is beautiful and compliments all your beautiful work. Enjoyed reading.

  3. I like this poem because it made me think of how cautious I was when I was younger and now I take a few more risks which I would not take in my younger days. I like looking at old pictures and see how far we have come and how far we have to go.
